Learn New Ways to Communicate

Relaunch Your Events Strategy

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Jeanie Ulicny

Digital or in person? Responding to investors’ changing expectations.

Is your marketing team asking these questions right now?

  • “How do we adapt to clients’ changing needs while continuing to focus on what we do best?”
  • “All of our competitors are rethinking events, so how can we make ours stand out with investors?”

Asset managers have told us one of their key challenges is providing virtual events that are as dynamic as in-person engagement. At the same time, many are also trying to integrate more virtual elements into live events. What’s the right approach for your firm?

Bring greater dimension to your events strategy.

The Ulicny 4D method helps you rethink events along these four key dimensions, detailed in our case study.

1. Differentiate your approach.

2. Use data to adapt to clients’ changing needs.

3. Deliver combined digital and live experiences.

4. Create efficiencies in event distribution.

Want to know more about how Ulicny can help you add dimension to your investor engagement?Explore our 4D method.

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